Peking University International Competition on

Ocular Disease Intelligent Recognition (ODIR-2019)

Medical healthcare has been one of the most popular research fields in Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the rapid development of AI techniques in recent years, how to effectively apply state-of-the-art approaches to the clinical fields gets much more attention. Data, algorithms, computational power, and professionalism promote the development of medical AI. This year, Peking University (PKU) International Competition on Ocular Disease Intelligent Recognition (ODIR), hosted by PKU, organized by National Institute of Health Data Science at Peking University (NIHDS-PKU) and  Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Peking University (IAI-PKU), co-organized by Shanggong Medical Technology Co. Ltd. (SG) and Advanced Institute of Information Technology at Peking University (AIIT-PKU) is the first demostic ocular disease recognition competition calling for international participation.

The SG will provide participants with 5,000 structured desensitized ophthalmologic image set of patient's age, sex, binocular color fundus photos and doctors' diagnostic keywords. This dataset comes from patients who are taken ocular health examinationin cooperative hospitals and medical institutions. Participants will have a realistic clinical environment to perform ocular disease recognition competition with this dataset. This challenge aims to provide potential talents who are interested in the development of medical AI product, find and select outstanding innovators, and promote medical AI development in the field of retinal image analysis.

The challenge organizers will provide the winners with competitive bonuses (1 million CNY in total) and award-winning certificates certified by CDSHM, PKU. The outperforming teams with outstanding techniques and excellent performance also have a chance to visit Advanced Institute of Information Technology (AIIT) in Hangzhou, and obtain supports from all aspects from it to build a startup company.

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医疗一直是人工智能研究最为热门的领域之一。随着近几年人工智能技术的飞速发展,如何将最先进的技术有效的应用于临床领域,获得了更多的关注。 数据、算法、计算力、专业性四大要素促进着医疗人工智能的发展。今年,由北京大学主办、北京大学健康医疗大数据国家研究院和北京大学人工智能研究院承办 、上工医信和北京大学信息技术高等研究院协办的“北京大学国际眼底图像智能识别竞赛 ”,是国内首次面向国际举办的眼科疾病智能识别竞赛。



